日本財団 図書館


Table 1.3-4 Schedule of field survey


Date Description
July 22 11:00 - Departure from Narita    15:15 - Arrival in Bangkok
23 Courtesy visits to JICA,SRT and Embassy
24 Explanation of the purpose and details of the survey

Presentation to introduce the actual condition of high speed operation in Japan for 20 executives of SRT)

Conference on survey methods

25 Discussion and collection of materials
26 Inspection of Ban Sue District(CTC,civil engineering center,yard,bus terminals,etc.)
27 Examination of materials
28 Observation on urban traffics in Bangkok
29 Observation on elevated railways and took a night time limited express from Bangkok to Chiang Mai
August 30 City of Chiang Mai(airport,bus terminals,governmental tourist information office,etc.)
31 Sections with sharp curves and gradients in Northern Line(inspection of railways,curves,track maintenance work,and station duties)
1 Inspection of the railway in front of a limited express train (from Chiang Mai to Phitsanulok ),etc.
2 Inspection of Phitsanulok district(crossing,tokenless,and station duties)
3 Inspection of the railway in front of a limited express train (from Phitsanulok to Bangkok)
  4 Observation on Urban traffics in Bangkok
5 Collection of materials,inspection of Makkasang work shop
6 Discussion,material examination and summarization
7 Provisional report of field survay results and a conference
8 Conference in the embassy,meeting with the representative of Ministry of Transport & Communications,visit to SRT before departure
9 Classification of materials;22:00 - Departure from Bangkok
10 6:15 - Arrival at Narita






